Trax Reports

How to Work with Reports

Report Header:

All reports have the same header that shows the following
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )
Report Name Select Report Date/Range Filter Results Report Header (Columns Names) ( = Print All Results) | ( = Print Filtered Results) | ( = Export Results to Excel) | ( = Refresh Results)

Working With Reports Options by selecting / pickup date/times and other factors to generate reports through the following options

Date Only
In order to get report results and data, user must

A. Select Start Date.

B. Select End Date.

Those reports generate data to all vehicles/drivers
Date & Time Pickup
In order to get report results and data, user must

A. Select Start Date + Start Time.

B. Select End Date + End Time.

Those reports generate data to all vehicles/drivers
Vehicle & Date/Time Pickup
In order to get report results and data for a specific vehicle, user must

A. Select Vehicle.

A. Select Start Date + Start Time.

B. Select End Date + End Time.

This report generate data to selected vehicle only.
Driver & Date/Time Pickup
In order to get report results and data for a specific driver, user must

A. Select Driver.

A. Select Start Date + Start Time.

B. Select End Date + End Time.

This report generate data to selected driver only.

Working With Reports Filters:

TEXT Data Filter

In order to filter text data, user can filter text fields based on containing / excluding words/text, with the following parameters

Contain = Search results that contain a specific word/text

Exclude = Search results that NOT contain a specific word/text

Then enter the word/text in the filed to be filtered. Example in the picture for filter based on plate no

Numbers Data Filter

In order to filter numeric data, user can filter numeric results fields based on the following parameters

Greater = Search results that haves value grater than a specific number

Less = Search results that have values less than a specific number

Equal = Search results that have values eual than a specific number

Then enter the word/text in the filed to be filtered. Example in the picture for filter based on plate no

Vehicles Reports

Listing with all Reports related to Vehicles Usage:

Vehicles List: >>> This report provide you with your fleet vehicles list with tracking devices.
Vehicles Traveled Distances: >>> This report provide you with total traveled distances (Crossed KM) for all vehicles in the selected date/time
Vehicles Violations Summary: >>> This report provide you a summary of the following violations (Over speed, Idling, SOS, Impacts and Accidents) as totals for all your vehicles.
Vehicles Violations Details: >>> This report provide you with a detailed violations of (Over speed, Idling, SOS, Impacts and Accidents) with the date/time of occurrence and location on the map, check below for icon ledger
Vehicles Weekend Usage: >>> This report provide you with total traveled distances (Crossed KM) for all vehicles in addition to the fuel cost consumption (calculated) for all vehicles that have been used during the predefined weekend days for each vehicle.
Vehicles Prohibited Days Usage: >>> This report provide you total traveled distances (Crossed KM) for all vehicles in addition to the fuel cost consumption (calculated) for all vehicles that have been used during the predefined prohibited days for each vehicle.
Vehicles After Duty Usage: >>> This report provide you with total traveled distances (Crossed KM) for all vehicles in addition to the fuel cost consumption (calculated) for all vehicles that have been used out of business hours predefined for each vehicle.
Vehicle Trips Journal: >>> This report provide details for each trip (start date/time, location, landmark, trip duration and traveled distances (Crossed KM)) in addition to the option of viewing trip path on the map for the selected vehicle.

Drivers Reports

Listing of all Reports related to Vehicles Usage:

Drivers List: >>> This report provide you with your drivers list with their license related information.
Drivers Traveled Distances: >>> This report provide you total traveled distances (Crossed KM) for all drivers in the selected date/time
Drivers Violations Summary: >>> This report provide you a summary of the following violations (Over speed, Idling, SOS, Impacts and Accidents) as totals for all your drivers.
Driver Trips Journal: >>> This report provide details for each trip (start date/time, location, landmark, trip duration and traveled distances (Crossed KM)) in addition to the option of viewing trip path on the map for the selected driver.

Maintenance & Cost Reports Reports

Listing of all Reports related to Drivers Usage:

Maintenance Cost Breakdown: >>> This report provide you with details for each maintenance operation provided to the selected vehicle (Date of maintenance, labor cost, part costs and winch service cost).
Vehicle Cost Breakdown: >>> This report provide you with details cost / expenses for of for each (Maintenance, Insurance, License and Accident) operation provided to the selected vehicle

Fleet Reports

Listing of all Reports with huge data and details:

Trips Journal: >>> This report provide a full details and combination between (Vehicles & Drivers Trip Journal Report) by showing all your trips that took place in the specific/selected date range, with full details for each trip (driver, vehicle, start date/time, location, landmark, trip duration and traveled distances (Crossed KM)) in addition to the option of viewing trip path on the map for the selected trip.
Visits and Stops: >>> Based on your landmark library and location information for your clients or points of interest, Trax will provide you in this report how many miutes your vehicle - the selected vehicle - visited this location.
Events Log (Custom Reporting): >>> User will select a vehicle, start date/time, end date/time and check what events to be generated in the report, the user can customize the report. (Note: You can ask support to show you how to create custom reporting for your use). Check Below picture for Report Options

Events Log (Custom Reporting):

Events Log (Custom Reporting): >>> User will select a vehicle, start date/time, end date/time and check what events to be generated in the report, the user can customize the report. (Note: You can ask support to show you how to create custom reporting for your use). Check Below picture for Report Options

Multiple Selections & Pickup
In order to get report results and data, user must

A. Select Vehicle.

B. Select Start Date & Time.

C. Select End Date & Time.

D. Check Events.

Once This report generated, it will be display all records/log of the selected event, with below icon to explain them and their related information as (location of the event, nearest landmark, event speed, event odometer and the date / time of the event, with the ability to view the event on the map.

Events Log (Custom Reporting) Header:

Ignition Event Driver Date/Time Speed Odometer Battery Location Landmark
= On & = Off Check Below Event Ledger Driver Name Event Date/Time Event Reported Speed Event Reported Odometer Event Reported Battery Event Location Event Nearest Landmark

Ignition On Ignition Off Location Location Over speed
Idling Enter Zone Exit Zone Lost Power Power Restored
Low Battery Activity Started Activity Ended Driver Code Accepted Wrong Code
Vehicle Armed Network Change Tow Detection Override Turn On Panic S.O.S
Impact Harsh Impact Jamming Detected Jamming Ended Shock Detected
Movement Detected Stopped Movement Check Oil Fuel Cover Open Temperature Changed