Fleet Management

Vehicle Management

View Fleet Information:

View Manage Vehicles & Options
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )
Listing your fleet vehicles and showing main related information for each vehicle Manage options Search, Print All List, Print Filtered Results Paging

Edit Fleet Information:

Edit & Manage and control your fleet by the following options:
Schedule Maintenance Select Prohibited Days Duty Days and Time Financial and Budgeting SMS Watch-list Attachments Edit Vehicle Information

Edit Options:

Schedule Maintenance

Schedule Maintenance: User can enter last maintenance checking odometer value & last checking date, and define how much KM for the next maintenance & how many days left for next schedule. Trax will notify the user before 500 KM to reach the defines KM, or 10 days.

Picture Example: User set last checked odometer and date, and assign next maintenance mileage or days.

Prohibited Days

Prohibited Days: User can check/select what days are prohibited to use the vehicle, Trax will notify the user with SMS notifications if the vehicle turned on in the selected days (Note: SMS Notifications Monthly Subscription is required). To generate a report for fleet usage and cost during a specific period go to (Trax > Reports > Vehicles Prohibited Days)

Picture Example: User select Friday as prohibited days.

Duty Days and Time

Duty Days and Time:User can check/select weekend days, and Start/End of Business Time for each vehicle, Trax will generate reports for ((i) Weekend Usage: provide you with crossed distance and fuel cost during the weekend days [go to (Trax > Reports > Vehicles Weekend Usage)]. (ii) After Duty Usage:provide you with crossed distance and fuel cost after duty hours [go to (Trax > Reports > Vehicles After Duty Usage)].

Picture Example: User select Friday as Day-off and set business hours from 8 AM to 16 PM.

Financial and Budgeting

Financial and Budgeting: User cat set the distance per liter for each vehicle to get the cost of fuel consumption per usage. In addition setting values for Idling & Impact events occurred. Budgeting the vehicle for the ordering system to get vehicle costs per vouchers.

Picture Example: User setting monthyl budget information, in addition to set the distance per liter and other financial indicatirs.

SMS Watch-list

SMS Watch-list: Change which SMS group will receive this vehicle SMS notifications (Note: SMS Notifications Monthly Subscription is required).


Attachments: User can attach files related to the vehicle for archiving options available in Trax. First click on () and browse for you file & enter the name of the file, then press on () to upload the file. Also you can view and delete attachments related to the vehicle.

Edit Vehicle Information

Edit Vehicle Information: User can edit Vehicle Name, Brand, Year, Model, Color. Assign vehicle to other department. Enable/Disable Track-able mode and add your own notes. (Note: If the vehicle track-able is deactivated/disabled it will not be tracked, not shown on the map.

Drivers Management

View Drivers Information:

View Manage Vehicles & Options
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )
Listing your drivers and showing main related information for each driver Add New Driver Edit & Attach File Search, Print All List, Print Filtered Results and Export to Excel Paging

Add New Driver

Add New Driver

Add New Driver: User can add new driver, by entering their name and related license information & contact information (A near expiry notification will be displayed). (Note: Keycode is the code that allows the driver to use on vehicle, its highly recommended to ask for support to provide you with codes, Codes can't be changed or deleted).

Edit Driver Information

Edit Driver Information

Edit Driver Information: User can edit/update driver information related to license information, contact information and change the department.

Insurance & License Management

View Insurance & License Information:

View and Manage Vehicles' Insurance & License
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )
Listing your Insurance & License information for each vehicle / record Add New Record Edit & Attach File Search, Print All List, Print Filtered Results and Export to Excel Paging

Add New Record

Add New Record

Add New Record: User can add vehicle insurance and license information, by entering the related to llicense & insurance information (A near expiry notification will be displayed). (Trax will notify user before 30 days of expire).

Edit / Update Record Information

Edit / Update Record Information

Edit / Update Record Information: User can edit/update driver information related to license & insurance information.

Maintenance Records

View Maintenance Records & Information:

View and Manage Maintenance Operations
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )
Listing your maintenance records / operations with related information for each record Add New Maintenance Record Edit Record Information & Add related costs details Search, Print All List, Print Filtered Results and Export to Excel Paging

Add New Record

Add New Record

Add New Record: User can add maintenance operation for the vehicle by entering total cost of the operation and in which garage/workshop, in addition to the date, odometer and the reason. (Note: user can add additional notes to the maintenance record.

Edit Maintenance Record & Add related Costs:

Edit & Manage and control your fleet by the following options:
Labor Cost Tow Cost Parts Cost Attachments Edit Maintenance Record Information Delete Maintenance Record

Add Labor Cost

Add Labor Cost: User can add/edit/delete Labor cost of the select maintenance.( Click on() to add labor cost, and click on () to edit labor cost, to delete the record click on ().

Add Tow Cost

Add Tow Cost: User can add/edit/delete towing service cost of the select maintenance.( Click on() to add tow cost and related information, and click on () to edit information and cost, to delete the record click on ().

Parts Cost

Add Tow Cost: User can add/edit/delete parts installed or repaired to the select maintenance.( Click on() to add part name and cost, and click on () to edit information and cost, to delete the record click on ().


Attachments: User can attach files related to the vehicle for archiving options available in Trax. First click on () and browse for you file, then press on () to upload the file. Also you can view and delete attachments related to the vehicle.

Edit Maintenance Record Information

Edit Maintenance Record Information: User can edit/update related information to the maintenance record operation.

Accidents Records

View Accidents Records & Information:

View and Manage Accidents Operations
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )
Listing your accidents records / operations with related information for each record Add New Accidents Record Edit Record Information & Add related costs details Search, Print All List, Print Filtered Results and Export to Excel Paging

Add New Accident Record

Add New Accident Record

Add New Accident Record: User can add accident record / operation for the vehicle by entering total cost paid, insurance coverage amount, in addition to the workshop details and the settlement type for this operation.

Edit Accident Record:

Edit Accident Record

Edit Accident Record: User can edit/update related information to the accident record.

Fines Records

View Fines Records & Information:

View and Manage Accidents Operations
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )
Listing your fines records with related information for each record Add New fines Record Edit Record Information & Add related costs details Search, Print All List, Print Filtered Results and Export to Excel Paging

Add New Fine Record

Add New Fine Record

Add New Fine Record: User can add fine record by entering cost, location, and police reference number.

Edit Fine Record:

Edit Fine Record

Edit Fine Record: User can edit/update related information to the fine record.